Women's Safety

Welcome to our website, where we are committed to providing innovative telematics solutions for women’s safety. Our goal is to leverage advanced technology to empower women and create a safer environment for them. Through our telematics systems, we offer a range of solutions specifically designed to address women’s safety concerns.
Here are some key solutions we provide:

Personal Safety Devices

We offer state-of-the-art personal safety devices equipped with GPS tracking and SOS buttons. These devices can be discreetly carried by women and allow for immediate alerts to be sent to pre-determined contacts or emergency services in case of an emergency or potential threat. Our devices provide peace of mind and a sense of security for women, ensuring that help is just a button press away.

Safety Apps

Our telematics solutions include mobile applications that focus on women’s safety. These apps provide features such as real-time location tracking, emergency contact alerts, and safe route suggestions. Women can use these apps to share their location with trusted contacts, receive assistance in dangerous situations, and access resources for self-defense and support.

Geo-Fencing and Safe Zones

Our telematics systems allow for the creation of virtual safe zones or geo-fences. Women can designate specific areas as safe zones, such as their homes, workplaces, or frequented locations. If a woman enters or leaves these zones, alerts can be automatically sent to designated contacts, providing an added layer of security and ensuring that any deviations from normal routines are quickly identified.

Emergency Response and Escalation

In the event of an emergency, our telematics solutions facilitate quick response and escalation procedures. Through GPS tracking and real-time communication, emergency services can be promptly dispatched to the precise location of the incident. Our systems also enable seamless integration with local law enforcement agencies and security providers to ensure a rapid and effective response.

Community Support and Resources

Our telematics solutions foster a sense of community by connecting women with support networks and resources. Through our platform, women can access information about local support services, self-defense classes, counseling resources, and other relevant community initiatives. This collaborative approach helps women feel empowered, supported, and connected to a network of individuals and organizations dedicated to their safety.
At Unidad we are committed to making a difference in women’s safety through innovative telematics solutions. Our aim is to create a safer environment, provide peace of mind, and empower women to live their lives confidently. Contact us today to learn more about how our telematics solutions can contribute to enhancing women’s safety in your community or organization.

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