
Welcome to UBoat by Unidad India, where we introduce you to our innovative satellite gateway solution designed specifically for fishermen and boats at sea. With UBoat, fishermen can stay connected and exchange vital information even when they are in remote locations. Our satellite gateway serves as the central boat gateway, enabling fishermen to connect their laptops and submit catch reports, exchange text messages, and receive alarms for important updates.
One of the key features of UBoat is its ability to collect data from various sensors installed onboard the ship. These sensors capture important information about weather conditions, water temperature, and other environmental factors. Additionally, UBoat receives geo coordinates from the Telematics Gateway, providing accurate positioning data.
The collected data from sensors and geo coordinates is then transmitted via the satellite network to the Cloud server on land. This ensures that the information is securely and reliably transferred to a central server where it can be stored and accessed for analysis and decision-making.
UBoat not only enables fishermen to stay connected but also streamlines their operations. By submitting catch reports and exchanging information in real-time, fishermen can effectively manage their catch and make informed decisions about their fishing activities. This improves efficiency and productivity while ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.
The satellite gateway is designed to be user-friendly and reliable in harsh marine environments. It provides seamless connectivity through satellite communication, overcoming the limitations of traditional communication methods in remote sea areas.
At Unidad India, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that address the unique needs of the fishing industry. UBoat’s satellite gateway enables fishermen to connect, exchange information, and streamline their operations. Experience the power of connectivity at sea with UBoat. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a demonstration of this game-changing solution.

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