
At Unidad, we place the utmost importance on passenger safety and ensuring that our AIS140-compliant GNSS tracking devices provide effective and audible emergency alerts. We understand that in critical situations, the alert system must be loud and clear, not only to reach the passengers inside the vehicle but also to alert people in the vicinity outside the vehicle. Therefore, our GNSS tracking devices are equipped with a powerful and strategically placed buzzer, designed to ensure maximum audibility and quick response during emergencies and over-speed alerts.

Audible Alert System for Emergency Conditions

When it comes to emergency situations, time is of the essence. Our GNSS tracking devices are integrated with a robust alert system that includes a loud and attention-grabbing buzzer. In case of any emergency, such as accidents, medical crises, or security threats, passengers and drivers can activate the Panic Button on the device. The moment the Panic Button is pressed, the buzzer is triggered, emitting a high-volume and distinct sound, immediately alerting everyone inside the vehicle about the emergency.
Additionally, the powerful sound emitted by the buzzer is designed to penetrate through the vehicle’s interior, ensuring that passengers, even those seated in the back, are made aware of the situation. This way, everyone inside the vehicle can respond promptly and take necessary precautions.

Audibility for Nearby People Outside the Vehicle

In emergencies, it’s crucial to inform people outside the vehicle so that they can offer assistance or make way for the vehicle to ensure a smooth passage. Our GNSS tracking devices are thoughtfully designed to address this concern as well. The loudness of the buzzer is optimized to be audible to people outside the vehicle, making them aware that the vehicle is in distress or approaching at a high speed.
The strategic placement of the buzzer ensures that the sound travels outward through the windows and doors, without being obstructed by the vehicle’s structure. This way, pedestrians, nearby vehicles, and bystanders can be alerted to take necessary actions, such as clearing the path or providing assistance.

Over-Speed Alert with Audible Warning

Apart from emergency conditions, Unidad’s GNSS tracking devices also come equipped with an over-speed alert feature. This feature helps prevent accidents caused by reckless driving or exceeding speed limits. When the vehicle surpasses a predefined speed threshold, the GNSS tracking device immediately triggers an audible alert through the buzzer. This alert serves as a reminder to the driver to reduce speed, ensuring safer driving practices and preventing potential accidents.

Ensuring Safety Through Audibility

The strategic placement of the buzzer ensures that the sound travels outward through the windows and doors, without being obstructed by the vehicle’s structure. This way, pedestrians, nearby vehicles, and bystanders can be alerted to take necessary actions, such as clearing the path or providing assistance.
Choose Unidad’s GNSS tracking devices for a comprehensive safety solution that combines cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. Embrace the future of vehicle safety with Unidad – Empowering Mobility, Ensuring Safety. Contact us today to explore our innovative products and discuss how we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific safety needs.

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